With 20+ years of experience, Bharti Rakheja unveiled the secret to help you realise your true self !!

Hii !! I am Bharti Rakheja. I’m a life coach in relationships. I am a self love expert for the past 19 years. Having a background in psychology and therapies, I am equipped to help people deal with their past trauma and hurt along with the anxiety for the future. I am on a mission to empower a million people with self love and thus enhance their relationships, so as to live a joyful and fulfilling life. Our past programming keeps us in the heavy burden of emotional baggage, negatively affecting our most significant relationships with self, spouse, kids, parents and others. With self love practices we heal ourselves first, release the emotional burden, reprogram our minds and enhance our relationships or release the toxic ones. I help people with this process and am super grateful to live my life purpose and passion to empower people and would continue to do so until my last breath.

Are you struggling with failure, wrong habits, addictions,
foul relationships ?

  • 95% of people are living a life of mediocrity, pain and failure. They believe that this is what their destiny is and give themselves reasons to stay where they are.
  • The truth is you are unhappy because of the relationship and the emotions you have stuck yourself into.
  • The first step to change is AWARENESS.
  • If you’re able to get a grip on your patterns and beliefs, then there’s nothing in the world that can stop you from unleashing your Golden Life.

Mission Statement

To empower masses globally with skills
to enhance their personality and rediscover their strong selves.

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"Seldom does one come across people who exude positivity towards life along with genuine dedication to their work with an objective and practical outlook that Bharti has. An asset to our school she never misses to prove her mettle in her work as a psychologist and Life Coach"

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A-103, Vishal Enclave
2nd Floor, New Delhi.

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